Restaurant Loyalty App

Platforms Mobile

Deliverables UI/UX Design, Food Ordering App


01What is Restaurant Loyalty App?


Cabrio is a well-known restaurant chain with a strong clientele. To improve the customer experience and establish long-term connections, Cabrio created a cutting-edge mobile app that combines a complete loyalty program with simple online buying options. This case study goes into the design and development of the Cabrio Restaurant Loyalty App, demonstrating its influence on customer engagement and operational efficiency.


02Problem Statement


According to a survey, 51% of customers use restaurant loyalty programs, with 49% doing so at quick-service restaurants (QSRs) and 34% at full-service restaurants (FSRs). Recognizing the increasingly important role that mobile applications are playing in the restaurant sector, we recommended Cabrio to use technology to optimize their business processes and provide its devoted clients with a seamless experience. The primary goal of the app was to give a user-friendly reward program, enable hassle-free online purchasing for pickup or delivery, and provide tailored suggestions based on customers’ unique preferences.


03Project Goal

The Cabrio Restaurant Loyalty App aimed to improve customer experience and encourage customer loyalty by offering an intuitive mobile app that integrates a user-friendly reward program with online ordering features. The key objectives were:

04Our Challenges

Market Competition

Customers have a wide range of alternatives in the restaurant sector, which is quite competitive. Cabrio required a loyalty app that would differentiate itself from the competition and offer distinctive value to its users.

Advanced Technology

It took years of technological experience and a thorough study of customer habits and tastes to create a mobile app that was both user-friendly and feature rich. CraftedQ sought to guarantee a flawless development process and interaction with Cabrio’s current systems.

User Acceptance

One of the biggest challenges was getting users to download and utilize the app often. To promote app adoption among its clientele, CraftedQ created an appealing value proposition and strong marketing plans.


05Our Solution

CraftedQ collaborated with Cabrio to address the issues and accomplish the intended goals. The team devised a set of remarkable features, encompassing:

  • Loyalty Program and Rewards: The app’s core feature is a delightful loyalty program created to thank users for their business and encourage loyalty to Cabrio. Users accrue loyalty points with each purchase, which they can exchange for tempting discounts or special offers.
  • Personalized Suggestions: The software offers individualized suggestions and specially crafted deals by studying user preferences, past orders, and eating habits. With the help of this feature, Cabrio improved the diners’ entire experience and strengthened their customers’ relationship.
  • Reservations and Placing Orders: Customers are able to explore the food selection, place orders, and reserve tables all from their smartphones. With this convenience, customers are now more satisfied, and the ordering procedure is simplified.
  • Messaging within apps and Push Notifications: The app uses push notifications and in-app messaging to inform app users about special specials, new menu items, and exclusive events.
  • Social Media Integration: Customers may share their eating experiences, submit reviews, and earn additional benefits for referrals by integrating the app with major social networking networks.

06Our Technologies




Jetpack Compose





07Our Results

Superb output

The launch of the Cabrio Restaurant Loyalty App by CraftedQ has generated an array of extraordinary accomplishments that certainly deserves profound appreciation.

  • Garnered a devoted clientele: The Restaurant Loyalty App has become a powerful instrument to foster customers’ loyalty. The prizes and special offers were well-liked by the customers, and this led to increased customer retention and favorable word-of-mouth, which further boosted the brand’s image. Improved consumer loyalty resulted from frequent returning visits and increased order quantities among app users.
  • Database-driven marketing: On client preferences, order trends, and demographics, the app generated insightful data. With the use of this data, Cabrio was able to develop marketing initiatives that were specifically targeted, which led to increased conversion rates and an enhanced return on investment (ROI).
  • Strong brand image: The Cabrio Restaurant Loyalty App positioned the restaurant as forward-thinking, focused on the consumer, and tech-savvy. The comfort, individualized service, and special prizes were valued by the customers, which helped the brand’s reputation.


Customer engagement was significantly increased by the Cabrio Restaurant Loyalty App. A higher order frequency, more customer happiness, and a closer bond between consumers and Cabrio resulted from the provision of customized suggestions based on individual tastes.

The addition of the online ordering option considerably increased Cabrio’s operational effectiveness. The order management procedure was improved, manual mistakes were reduced, and intelligent analysis of preferences and behaviors was made possible with the help of the valuable consumer data.


Together We Achieved

Collaboration of CraftedQ and Cabrio Restaurant led to the successful creation and implementation of a robust Loyalty App. We were able to increase customer engagement, promote return visits, and separate Cabrio Restaurant from its competition by focusing user experience, personalization, and seamless integration. The Cabrio Restaurant Loyalty App exemplifies the power of a well-planned and effectively managed loyalty program in the food and beverage business.

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