Travel Booking App

Platforms Mobile application

Deliverables UI/UX, Development and maintenance


01What is Triva travel booking app?


Triva is leading mobile app development company which encourages innovations and thrive to turn them into reality. At Triva, we aim at designing and developing seamless and user-friendly mobile application for various industries.

Triva has launched its next product which is a revolutionary travel app designed to make traveling a hassle-free experience for our users. Triva identified the problems and challenges faced by people while planning a trip such as finding a suitable accommodation, identifying local attractions, etc. And, to solve all these issues and make travelling a fun, Triva has launched Triva travel booking app. This case study examines the process by which Triva created a travel booking app and demonstrates the revolutionary effects it has had on travel industry.


02Project Overview


Triva travel booking app has become a significant tool to make traveling trouble-free. This app can make travelling a preferred form of stress-busting activity. Traveling to a new place involves booking a ticket, searching for accommodation, managing itineraries, etc. The advanced technology used by Triva simplifies the process of traveling. Travellers can use this booking app to travel with ease and confidence.


03Problem Statement


While planning any trip, travellers face many challenges and problems. Some of them are like commuting options to reach the destination, determining availability of hotels or any other suitable accommodation and booking it, booking flight/bus/train tickets, identifying local attractions, etc. So, in order to plan the trip, people have to spent a lot of time in resolving all these concerns. This makes travelling a tedious job rather than a fun activity.

Triva wanted eradicate all these pre-travelling hassles for the travellers by developing a single app that solves all their problems.


04Project Insights

Using a travel booking app can address most issues faced by travelers. The application comes with several features:

05Key Features

Customized travel plans

You can plan your entire trip through this app by yourself or you can get in touch with our customer support team to help you make a customised travel plan.

User-friendly interface

This app is designed in a way that even a person who is using it for the first time can easily navigate through it and perform all the required operations.


06Our Solution

We aim at enhancing travelling experience by providing intuitive, efficient, and reliable solution that uses latest technology as its base. With this app travellers can plan their entire trip by just few clicks while relaxing and enjoying their favourite TV show.

07Our Results

Superb output

User have highly appreciated the user experience and usability of this app. They can perform all the operations from deciding travel destination to returning to their home with this single app.

Navigation is so simple that even a first-time user can use this app with great efficiency. App is smooth and highly responsive owing to the use of latest technology.


Triva Travel booking app is for sure going to revolutionise and redefine the way people used to travel. The overall user experience is amazing. The wide range of options for flights/buses/trains, hotels, travel destinations, etc. have made this app engaging and useable.


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